Dmitry Medvedev’s Facebook Comment About Protests Backfires

President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev posted a comment on his Facebook page ordering an investigation into the allegations of electoral fraud during last week’s parliamentary vote, however the comment backfired in a big way as thousands of people started to leave negative comments. He also used the post to criticise Saturday’s demonstration which was the biggest single protest since the end of the Soviet Union. The protests in Russia were first started after election fixing (which is not unheard of in Russia) allegations were made against the current Russian government which is led by Vladimir Putin.

There were over 50,000 people involved in Saturdays protest in Moscow in which the protesters were chanting.

“Russia without Putin! Russia without Putin!”

The post was made just over 5hrs ago now, but has already had over 1,373 shares and 6,311 comments and counting.

Here is the original comment in Russian

По Конституции граждане России имеют свободу слова и свободу собраний. Люди имеют право высказывать свою позицию, что они вчера и сделали. Хорошо, что все прошло в рамках закона. Я не согласен ни с лозунгами, ни с заявлениями, прозвучавшими на митингах. Тем не менее мною было дано поручение проверить все сообщения с избирательных участков, касающиеся соблюдения законодательства о выборах.

Here is the Translated comment

Under the Constitution of the Russian citizens enjoy freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. People have a right to express their position that they did yesterday. Well, it went under the law. I do not agree with any slogans or statements, made at the meetings. Nevertheless, I was instructed to check all the messages from the polling stations on compliance with the electoral legislation.

There is another protest planned on Monday in Moscow where supporters of Mr Putin and Mr Medvedev will gather by the Kremlin.

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